The OxPAT Christmas Cards are here. John Somerscales has kindly donated the artwork for our Christmas Cards. The cards are approximately 7" x 5" in size and come in packs of 10 for £5. The wording inside the cards reads "Merry Christmas". All profits from the cards will be used to help homeless or vulnerably housed people in Oxford. Cards can be obtained by ordering from christmascards@oxpat.org. When ordering cards by email please first make a payment via bank transfer for the amount, £6 per pack of ten cards to include £1 post & packing, to Oxford Poverty Action Trust, bank sort code 08-92-99, account number 65046944. Magdalen College at Christmas Snow in Radcliffe Square Christmas Shopping in Turl St
The Living Room
The Living Room
This newly transformed space is being provided by Oxford Winter Night Shelter as a place where the homeless can come during the day.
Since September 2021 guests, who will have been referred by other agencies, have been able to use the shower, wash their clothes, access a laptop and most importantly, relax and recover a little from the harshness of the streets.
We hope the intimate and caring nature of The Living Room will ultimately help homeless people regain their self-confidence and start to look at alternative ways of living. We have seen many people come through our doors. Some were just passing through, some are still regular patrons and some we’ve seen go on to permanent housing. Regardless, we’ve been able to provide a consistent service.
If you want to know more please contact manager@ownsoxford.org.uk or go to our website www.ownsoxford.org.uk
Tel: 01865 362799
The Living Room 57c St Clements Road
Registered Charity Number: 1175750
If you'd like to find out more about our service and volunteer opportunities please get in touch. Thank you for your support -
Oxfordshire Homeless Movement
One of our key partners is Oxfordshire Homeless Movement(OHM).
OHM's vision is to vision is to ensure that nobody has to sleep rough on the streets of Oxfordshire.
OHM is committed to find and deliver effective, lasting solutions to end rough sleeping in Oxfordshire.
To see what Oxfordshire Homeless Movement does please visit their website www.oxfordshirehomelessmovement.org
Aston Tirrold and Aston Upthorpe fundraising for OxPAT
Over Christmas, 24 houses in the Astons in South Oxfordshire took part in 'Advent Windows' to raise money for the church and a worthy charity. After doing some research, the organisers came across OxPat and they agreed they would like to support the excellent work that OxPAT does. Astons is a village in South Oxfordshire called Aston Tirrold and Aston Upthorpe. OxPAT is very grateful to Aston and the Diamonds for their generous donation to OxPAT .
6 Santas go window fundraising 10 more Santas on an Advent mission -
2022 Core Agencies Confirmed
The Core Agencies for 2022 are
- Aspire Oxfordshire
- Connection Support
- Crisis Skylight Oxford
- Edge Housing
- Elmore Community Services
- The Gatehouse
- The Porch / Steppin' Stone
- Homeless Oxfordshire
- Matilda House
Oxford University’s RAG partner charities of 2022
OxPAT is very pleased to have been been voted as one of Oxford University's RAGs partner charities for 2022/3! We are looking forward to working with the Oxford University RAG in the coming year.
We will update as events unroll.
Leading homelessness charities urge UK Government to reconsider dangerous new immigration rules targeting people sleeping rough for deportation
New immigration rules targeting people sleeping rough will endanger lives, undermine progress in reducing homelessness and must be reconsidered. That is the message being sent to the UK Government by Crisis, Shelter, St Mungo’s, NACCOM, Homeless Link, Liberty and many more organisations supporting people experiencing homelessness across Great Britain.
Click this link to read about the letter to Priti Patel and Robert Jenrick on the Crisis website
Thank you to the Appleton Choir
Appleton Choir singing carols at Oxford Station Thank you to the Appleton choir organised by Trish Wagstaff, the staff of GWR at Oxford Railway Station, and the general public who very kindly donated over £500 during the evening of Thursday 20 December. All the money collected will benefit homeless or vulnerably housed people in Oxfordshire.