Donate online via the Charities Aid Foundation
Use on-line banking.
Make an online payment to our bank account: Sort code: 08-92-99, Account number 65046944.
Donate by post
You can make regular or single donations by post.
- Send us a banker's order
To make a regular payment, please download, print and complete our Banker's Order form.
- For a single payment, write a cheque payable to "Oxford Poverty Action Trust"
In both cases, if you are a UK taxpayer, please also fill in our Gift Aid declaration, so that we can reclaim tax that you have paid. The form is already included in the Banker's Order form.
The address for mailing is:
OxPAT Treasurer Oxford Poverty Action Trust c/o 25 Woodstock Road Oxford OX2 6HADonate via our collecting boxes

Or look out for our collection boxes around Oxford, and put your small change in them.
Red OxPAT Collection Boxes can be found at:
- Blackwells, Broad Street
- Oxford Railway Station
- Oxford Town Hall, St. Aldates
Thank you for supporting OxPAT. Your donation may help a poor or homeless person in Oxford to a bed for the night, or a hot meal.