Our objective

Our objective is to give the public an alternative to giving money directly to beggars. Giving money through OxPAT ensures that the money is spent on things that will help individuals in need.

How we operate

OxPAT is administered by a Committee and a Board of Trustees, both composed entirely of volunteers.

How we raise money

Most of Oxpat's income comes from private donations made by members of the public.

  • Many supporters pay money to OxPAT via a regular standing order. This is a particularly valuable way to donate because it provides a regular and foreseeable source of income, which can be depended upon.
  • Individuals make charitable donations to OxPAT from time to time by cheque.
  • There are a few collecting boxes in shops and offices.

If you would like to make a donation, please visit our donate now page where you can download forms for standing orders and gift aid. Over £750,000 has been collected and distributed since the organisation was launched, and the total is growing all the time.

How the money is used

The money we receive is distributed to organisations providing shelter, food, day centres, clothing, advice and medical care to people in need. See OxPAT core agencies for a list of organisations we support.

All administrative costs are met separately by contributions from businesses and institutions. In any case any administrative costs are usually less than 1% of our income.

OxPAT Grant Policy

Core Principles

  1. OxPAT funds are to be used to provide direct help to homeless or vulnerably housed adults.
  2. OxPAT funds can be used to fulfil basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. They can also be used to help people address the issues that have led to them becoming homeless, by building confidence and self-esteem, improving skills, and addressing dependency issues.
  3. OxPAT funds are not to be used to fund administration nor on-going costs, nor to discharge statutory duties.
  4. OxPAT funds will only be distributed to or through recognised charitable agencies; and must be spent by or under the supervision of such an agency.


The money we receive is distributed through agency welfare funds to be spent on welfare services, rehabilitation, accommodation, and training and education to help people to leave behind their chaotic lifestyle.

Core Agencies

We aim to distribute most of our funds to a core group of agencies via regular monthly payments to their welfare funds. It is each agency's responsibility to ensure this money is spent in accordance with OxPAT's core principles and to report back at the end of the calendar year as to how it has been spent.

In 2022, OxPAT's core agencies are:

Specific applications

Some of OxPAT's funds will be used to fund specific applications which are not from the core agencies. Examples of successful applications include requests for clothing, bedding, work tools, and transport costs to enable a person in need to travel to a job.

Applications must:

  • be made through a recognised charitable agency
  • be supported by a case worker

To apply for a grant for a homeless, or vulnerable, person, please download the OxPAT Grant Application Form, and follow the instructions on it.

  • Grant Application Form in MS Word format, for those who have Word and can fill in the form electronically;
  • Grant Application Form in Adobe pdf format, which can be printed and posted.


    The OxPAT committee meets monthly on the third Friday of each month (except August), when applications for grants are considered. Submit an application no later than the second Friday of the month (except August) if you want an application to be considered at that month's meeting.

    Further Information

    There is more information in the attachments.